About me


I am a Costa Rican biologist interested in the ecology, evolution, and conservation of bats. I completed my bachelor’s and post-bachelor’s degree in Biology, with specializations in Tropical Biology and Natural Resource Management, at Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica.

For my research, I enjoy using phylogenetic comparative methods (PCM) to explore the evolutionary and ecological aspects of bats, taking advantage of their diversity in ecological interactions and their variation in morphological and physiological traits. Additionally, I like to incorporate spatial and environmental data to provide a geographic perspective in my work. I am also passionate about seeking conservation implications for bats and the ecosystems they inhabit.

In La Selva (OET, Costa Rica. 2021), I had the opportunity to catch and handle a Vampyrum spectrum (Family Phyllostomidae), the largest bat in America.

Currently, I am a master’s student of Biology at Towson University in Maryland (since fall 2023). I am a member of the Caetano Lab. My project will focus on topics related to diet and bat macroevolution.

During my free time, I enjoy cycling, running, and painting. I also love to go hiking in the mountains and coffee plantations close to my home. I have a dog named Ema, and I enjoy taking her for hiking or short walks at night (when I am in home, but unfortunately she is not with me right now).

During one of my bike trips in Costa Rica, I reached the entrance of the Barva Volcano sector (2900 m.a.s.l) within Braulio Carrillo National Park.